Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Face Of Romance semi finals

If you aren't following this contest, you may want to change that. Contestants were given a box of items to create their own style of romance. The outcome is fabulous. Can't wait til all the contestants have posted. Come on...follow with me, you know you want to...everyone else is doing it!! (peer pressure always works, giggles)

Here is a personal limo to take you front row. See you there.

PS, here is my submission. Can't wait for finals.

Charleston Belle of the Ball Finals

I know, the finals have long past, but I have not had the time to blog it. I don't wanna let these fabulous photos of the beautiful woman go to the, in loving memory of the Belle of the Ball.

Beautifully done. Love to watch the individual style and flare. Until next year....